
‘Need an invite to join a Diasporic Peoples Writing Collective (DPWC) event? Contact us for info. and access.

COVID-19 Update: DPWC’s monthly meet-ups are online until further notice.

We once held our monthly meet-ups at SJSU in Washington Square Hall, room 218. However, COVID-19 pushed us online and now our meet-ups follow this format…

  • We join-in on Zoom.
  • You introduce yourself (e.g., I’m so-in-so. I’ve been doing such-in-such. I’d like to accomplish X,Y, and Z, and need a little help/guidance/feedback/etc.). Please put yourself out there, make connections with members, and add to the symbiosis.
  • The DPWC team shares updates regarding our latest initiatives. If you feel you’d like to work on something that’s mentioned, then let us know (after all, we’re here to build platform and grow opportunities that support your writing life and career).
  • Then you chime-in, ask questions, and offer input. This helps us figure out how to showcase our diverse talent, and either share the resources we already have, or allocate new ones.
  • And we wrap-up everything in 90 minutes: end the meet-up with action items and a commitment to do follow-ups.

photo credit: Google Images